Maximum Apocalypse: Gothic Horrors is a cooperative rogue-like adventure game set amid the backdrop of different supernatural and horror-themed apocalypses. The Ronin is a new close-range combatant with dual-purpose cards that change based on her combat stance. Meanwhile, the Priest is a persistent believer in humanity who offers protection from unspeakable evils — but roaming monsters are gathering quickly and time is running out.
Play as a stand-alone or expand it with any other Maximum Apocalypse product
-5 different playable survivors to choose from
-6 different apocalypses to survive
-Over a dozen missions to play through
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As the apocalypse marches on, familiar horrors give way to those of a supernatural nature.
Contents & Credits
6 Adventurer Boards, 30 Ability Cards, 1 Familiar Card, 1 Artificer Dial, 17 Unhallowed Cards, 38 Creature Cards, 6 Summon Cards, 32 Location Cards, 1 Merchant Board, 28 Item Cards, 16 Coin tokens, 3 d4 Dice, 3 d6 Dice, 5 d8 Dice, 2 d10 dice, 3 d12 dice, 4 Rest Tokens, 1 Fire Token, 1 Rulebook, 1 Camp Board